Giving Opportunities
This is kind of long but PLEASE read it.
In an effort to open the Tres Dias experience to people with fewer resources than others, by way of scholarships, and also to purchase much needed supplies, LITD is now accepting donations, by mail, from our community.
Most of us lead very busy lives (the kids, work, church obligations, etc.). Often, there is little if any room left for even one more event. Many of us would like to get to the secuelas, and to help out on weekends, but our schedules do not allow it.
Of course, Praying for the teams and the community is the most important thing you can do, but with LITD now accepting donations, you have an opportunity to help out even if you do not have the time.
Donations are:
We have been diligent in making it easier for our community to take part in supporting the ministry of Tres Dias of Long Island. To that end there are several ways….
2. You can give electronically using .. VENMO We now have a Venmo account for those of you who use electronic payments for donations. Our VENMO ID is @LI-TRESDIAS. (Without the period) Any donations that you give will go directly into our checking account. VENMO may ask you to verify our account by entering the last 4 digits of the cell phone # associated with it. You should enter 2117. You can also specify the reason for the contribution. VENMO is a third-party app that you download to your smartphone. It will run on iPhones and Android devices.
3. You may also give using ZELLE. Most banks now have online capabilities. Many of them also subscribe to Zelle as a money transfer agent. If you have an online app for your bank. Check to see if Zelle is an option. Two banks that I know of that use it are Chase and Bank of America.
If you would like to use Zelle to support Long Island Tres Dias, here’s what you need to know.
Our ID for Zelle is [email protected] You can use Zelle to give a onetime contribution or set up a recurring one.
For both VENMO and Zell.... Set the amount, and on the line that says, “What is it for?” put the purpose of the conversation.
Examples of this can be….
You can use VENMO or ZELLE to contribute to support our community. If you are a team member, you may use it to pay for your weekend. Candidates can use it as well. All we ask is that you enter the reason for your contribution in the note section of the screen labelled “What’s it for?”
If you have any questions, contact / text Joe Ambrose at 516-380-6047
In an effort to open the Tres Dias experience to people with fewer resources than others, by way of scholarships, and also to purchase much needed supplies, LITD is now accepting donations, by mail, from our community.
Most of us lead very busy lives (the kids, work, church obligations, etc.). Often, there is little if any room left for even one more event. Many of us would like to get to the secuelas, and to help out on weekends, but our schedules do not allow it.
Of course, Praying for the teams and the community is the most important thing you can do, but with LITD now accepting donations, you have an opportunity to help out even if you do not have the time.
Donations are:
- Fully tax deductible.
- Private, between you and the Financial Secretary.
- Can be put to a specific use (see below)
- Accepted for any amount. No amount is to small or too large.
We have been diligent in making it easier for our community to take part in supporting the ministry of Tres Dias of Long Island. To that end there are several ways….
- The traditional cash or check. Come to the secuela and join in the fellowship and worship. You can give cash donations or make a check out to LITD. You may also send your check in the mail to Tara Talmadge: 326 Belmont Ave, West Hempstead, NY 11552
2. You can give electronically using .. VENMO We now have a Venmo account for those of you who use electronic payments for donations. Our VENMO ID is @LI-TRESDIAS. (Without the period) Any donations that you give will go directly into our checking account. VENMO may ask you to verify our account by entering the last 4 digits of the cell phone # associated with it. You should enter 2117. You can also specify the reason for the contribution. VENMO is a third-party app that you download to your smartphone. It will run on iPhones and Android devices.
3. You may also give using ZELLE. Most banks now have online capabilities. Many of them also subscribe to Zelle as a money transfer agent. If you have an online app for your bank. Check to see if Zelle is an option. Two banks that I know of that use it are Chase and Bank of America.
If you would like to use Zelle to support Long Island Tres Dias, here’s what you need to know.
Our ID for Zelle is [email protected] You can use Zelle to give a onetime contribution or set up a recurring one.
For both VENMO and Zell.... Set the amount, and on the line that says, “What is it for?” put the purpose of the conversation.
Examples of this can be….
- “Weekend #xxx”
- “Where needed most”
- "Scholarship" or "Candidate Scholarship Fund"
- “Palanca for John Q Candidate.”
You can use VENMO or ZELLE to contribute to support our community. If you are a team member, you may use it to pay for your weekend. Candidates can use it as well. All we ask is that you enter the reason for your contribution in the note section of the screen labelled “What’s it for?”
If you have any questions, contact / text Joe Ambrose at 516-380-6047