*** WELCOME ***
Welcome to the new Long Island Tres Dias website.
We have moved most of the features of the old site here.
You'll see a set of tabs across the top edge, a short explanation of each follows, the tabs with '*' after them requre a password.
We have moved most of the features of the old site here.
You'll see a set of tabs across the top edge, a short explanation of each follows, the tabs with '*' after them requre a password.
About our Website About LTID Secretariat* Members* Minutes News Letters Tres Dias International Events Prayer Weekends Candidates Documents* Reunion Groups* Latest Weekends* Men's Archive* Womens Archive* Contact LITD Humor Giving Opportunities |
Our main page, containing announcements.
This page. A short explanation of who we are and what our ministry is. Information about the current governing committee, and other documents. A list of current members and their contact information Archive of Secretariat meeting minutes Download the latest copy of Long Island Sound for Jesus Information about TDI, (under development) A calendar of current community events. An abbreviated list of prayer requests submitted by you. Information about the upcoming Men’s and Women’s weekends Printable application for those wanting to make a weekend Documents needed for candidates and team members. Information about current reunion groups. (under development) Pictures and available handouts from the last set of weekends. A picture archive of past Men's weekends A picture archive of past Women's weekends Questions ??? Comments??? here’s where you can send them. SMILE! You're one of God's Children.... Laugh a little! How you can support the ministry of LITD |
* The Tabs marked with a star (*) have information a personal nature, (e.g. member contact info) and/or sensitive (governing body info that no one else needs to see) Therefore, we have placed a password on these pages. I will release this password if you need it, please send me a request using the contact page or the LITD prayer request email address.
This website is a work in progress. We will be adding and changing things as necessary. We appreciate your
comments and insights. This website exists to be a center of communication for the Long Island Tres Dias community, a place for information about what we’re doing and how you can get involved.
Your prayers are appreciated, and coveted.
Joe Ambrose
LITD Communications Coordinator